Thursday, July 20, 2006

Frog tale !!!

One morning, I was barely awake, I got into the shower,…, and boom I felt something between my legs It was a

Yes, it was a frog… Not the first one in my bathroom, but the biggest one. It seems that Leo (my cousin's cat) likes to catch frog and brings then to my bathroom

That frog stay there for like a week, he was good at hiding, so we had to wait to be two to catch and take it outside. The good side of having a frog, less flies…He had plenty to eat and there is a small leak in the shower, so he had plenty of water.
Today I found another one, it look like he was dead, but mmm I had my doubts… So I left there, and came back after dinner. Guess what… he was ok, so I try to take it with a towel, and you won't believe he fake it again… The good side it's that it's easier to take it out.Now I'm really careful when I walk into the bathroom, just in case…

I've been tease by my family with the whole frog thing (there has already been 4 of them). My ant says that I should write a book. A couple of nights ago she was telling me that Leo brings them because as Diane the goddess of the hunt, he brings them as an offering,. And then my uncle had to add that it some culture the frog is symbol of Fertility….

Well I'm finally able to post a picture of me…watching the news…

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